Forgiveness is one topic I don't want to think about nor write about cos of many reasons. It's a difficult topic for me; one that I'm still struggling to comprehend and learn, let alone practice.
Forgiveness is an act of the will, not a feeling.
If we are able to pray for a person's well being then we can be assured that we have forgiven that person.
Forgiveness is a life-long obligation.
Daily we need to forgive those who hurt or injure us. Are you able to do this?
Forgiveness is a topic that has been on my mind on various occasions this week as I struggle to forgive someone who is no longer a part of my life. I still can't let go of the hurt, though I want this person go be away, far away from my life so that I can be free of these emotions.
I read this interesting poetry by Coelho called the Prayer of Forgiveness (not really an actually prayer in that sense of the word but still pretty awesome).
The tears I shed, I forgive.
The suffering and disappointments, I forgive.
The betrayals and lies, I forgive.
The slandering and scheming, I forgive.
The hatred and persecution, I forgive.
The punches that were given, I forgive.
The shattered dreams, I forgive.
The dead hopes, I forgive.
The disaffection and jealousy, I forgive.
The indifference and ill will, I forgive.
The injustice in the name of justice, I forgive.
The anger and mistreatment, I forgive.
The neglect and oblivion, I forgive.
The world with all its evil, I forgive.
Grief and resentment, I replace with understanding and agreement.
Revolt, I replace with music that comes from my violin.
Pain I replace with oblivion.
Revenge, I replace with victory.
I will be able to love above all discontentment. To give even when I am stripped of everything. To work happily even when I find myself in the midst of all obstacles. To dry tears even when I am still crying. To believe even when I am discredited.
After reading this beautiful thoughts on forgiveness, I lower my head and ask God "Thy will be done, Thy will be done".
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